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Gen Z & Tattoo Art
Gen Z seems to have an affinity towards getting tattoos. From generation to generation, as tattoos become popular the stylizations and types of tattoos also change. And now, Gen Z tattoo trends are different from what was popular before:
- Many Millennials’ bodies are adorned with dream catchers, mandalas, and animals.
- Boomers and Gen X individuals tend to choose traditional styles of tattoos that are easy to cover up and hide away.

Top 12 Trends in Gen Z Tattoos in 2024
Gen Z individuals are more open to different tattoo styles and trends. Here are some of the recent trends you can choose from for your next ink art!
1. Tiny Tattoos
There is something almost magical about a micro tattoo. It’s a great beginner piece and for most people who get them they are not only a symbol but something even more than that. For some a small tattoo can be symbolic of the trials and tribulations a person has overcome, or a memoir of a lost loved one. These tattoos are easy to hide and most people who get them rarely regret them. These tattoos also come.
A micro tattoo is ideal for someone who is getting ink for personal reasons:
- They are easy to hide and your body art won’t be open to comment.
- You’re unlikely to regret them with time
- They come in different styles and artists who work on them can make them look simple or even try their hands at small scale realism
Related reading: Top 17 Matching Couple Tattoo Ideas
2. Symbols
Tiny tattoos are great for those who want to get something that is easily hidden from the rest of the world. However, there are Gen Z people who want to get something symbolic that allows them to show the world their support for something that they believe in. That’s what symbolic tattoos are for.
Generation Z is a generation that seeks community on a small scale.
Many of these young adults of marginalized communities have witnessed violence, seen a political climate turn increasingly hostile to them, and even received death threats because of their differences. Symbolic tattoos can create a sense of unity and belonging for them and tell the meaningful story.
At the same time, tattooing any symbol calls for a careful approach. Once it looks similar to Nazi swastika, for example, it may trigger people who were killed or received death threats from from this marginalized community. It’s better to be careful before putting such symbols on your body.
3. Use of Fine Line
For young people, fine line tattoos are normally small tattoos with very minimal shading and of course the use of fine lines. These are particularly challenging for any professional tattoo artist because they require precise control. Any tattoo expert will talk about how these delicate pieces of work, although they had been done by previous generations before, are definitely associated with the Gen Z tattoo trends.
4. Stick’n’Poke Tattoos
Stick and poke tattoos pay homage to the way that tattoos were originally done. People have been applying ink to their skin for hundreds, even thousands of years and the tattoo gun wasn’t even invented until 1891, when it was initially trademarked as an electric pen and not seen as something that would come close to the skin.
Stick’n ‘poke tattoos involve dipping what should be a sterilized needle into ink and poking it into the skin.
These tattoos have increased in popularity because they step away from the machines. They are seen as a popular Gen Z tattoo trend because these types of tattoos are easy to do to yourself or your friends. They end up with an interesting appearance that many Gen Z kids happen to like. It is believed that while it was the Millennials that started this tattoo trend, it was the Gen Zers that really embraced this style of tattooing.
5. Butterflies
Butterflies are often associated with freedom and transformation in older generations. They are often a very popular tattoo when picking out a matching tattoo. However, Gen Z tattoo design trends point in a slightly different direction from the previous generations which embraced bold lines and more realism.
For Gen Z, the idea of the butterfly tattoo focuses much less on looking life like and more on the idea that the symbol of the butterfly has. Many tattoo artists have noticed over the recent years that butterflies are becoming much more simple, almost looking 2D rather than attempting to be exact copies of photos and images from the Internet.

6. Astrology and the Zodiac
The stars have always interested us, and this Gen Z tattoo trend is one that has a lot of depth and meaning to this generation. The zodiac is such an open, yet closed concept that many artists like to try their hands at this kind of tattoo:
- Some astrology tattoos make use of the symbol that represents the zodiac signs, such as the Pisces or the Leo.
- Some artists will layer their work, and really stylize it, making use of their skills to draw a beautiful woman or creature that represents the astrological zodiac sign.
These tattoos are often seen as a symbol of the person they would like to become, or as a symbol of something greater than they are. Gen Zers and Millennials both have proven to have a constant fascination with the stars and planets.
Related reading: Step Into Your Spiritual Awakening Path
7. Anime
In the next few years, Gen Z tattoo anime trend will still be there. Gen Z is a generation that feels no shame in getting a picture of their favorite character tattooed onto their arm. And anime tattoos are popular because there are many many different versions and types of stylizations a person can choose from.
Gen-Z isn’t just having anime characters tattooed on their bodies. They are also having tattoo artists reconceive images of movie characters, celebrities, cartoon, and book characters as anime style drawings. Also, there the matching tattoo trend related to anime is important among young people these days as the symbol of common interest that united a couple.

8. Lettering Tattoo Trend
Although it doesn’t always seem to be this way, Generation Z is one of the most sentimental ones. And with the popularity of the Internet, video, and smartphones that document many of our memories, some special things can still be lost.
Handwriting is especially hard to document in a way that feels special to them—thus, are frequently used for tattooing. Yet, it is also something that shows the growth and love and person has gone through for the years. It can be stashed away for safe keeping, however those notes can eventually be lost to time.
That’s why the lettering trend is so popular with Gen Z clients who wish to explain why to get a tattoo. There are many handwritten things to document on your body:
- A love note from a dear friend or partner who is no longer with them
- A thank you from one of their parents
- A short message from a grandparent, etc.
These tattoos, although they may not hold much meaning to others, their sentimental value rarely needs to be explained.
9. Cyber Sigilism
Cyber sigilism tattoos are black ink tattoos that combine elements of technology, futurism, mysticism, and tribal tattoos. They are thin, veiny, and jagged, though when compared to tribal tattoos that often use thick lines.
People who enjoy this style see it as unique and expressive. Those that don’t think the style is derivative. One comment referred to the design as tribal on keto.
10. Dragons
There are probably millions of people in the USA alone who have dragons tattooed to them. It’s a popular tattoo choice. Gen Z has their own spin on this classic symbol too. That’s likely because 2024 is the year of the dragon.
11. Angel Numbers
If you believe in numerology, you know that every number vibrates at its own frequency. When a number is repeated, its power increases.
Some people feel an intense association with a repeating number. This is called their angel number. These may be numbers that someone encounters frequently, or simply finds themselves reflecting on. Some people will simply have their angel number tattooed on them. Others will combine it with a letter or another image.
12. Tramp Stamps
Yep, they’re back. The most popular and perhaps most regrettable tattoo of an era has returned. Gen Z is proudly embracing the tramp stamp. That’s the tattoo on the lower back, just above the waistline. It’s come back just when big pants tiny shirts have also cycled back into fashion.
Related reading: Gen Z Slang Terms for Love and Romance

3 Tips for Finding The Ideal Tattoo Design
Every generation has its own collection of defining tattoos. They reflect belonging, shared experiences, and rebellion from the previous generations art.
Every generation also has its share of tattoo regret. Often, that comes from realizing that a tattoo isn’t really self-expression if hundreds of people have the same artwork. To avoid this from happening, here are some tips that may help you get the tattoo you want.
1. Bring Inspiration, Not Something to Copy
When you find something that speaks to you, feel free to take that to your tattoo artist. Just don’t expect them to make an exact copy.
Part of working with one of these professionals is collaborating to create a piece that is uniquely yours. Remember that these artists have their own techniques. Besides, you don’t want to walk around for the rest of your life with something that dozens of other people have copied from the same website.
2. Research the Tattoo Artist
Shop around before you choose the person who will draw and apply your tattoo:
- Read reviews
- Follow the artist on their Instagram. If you can find a video or two of their work, that’s even better
- Find folks who have used your artist and ask for their feedback.
- If they have a social media presence, check the comment section—that will tell you how they engage with customers.
3. Give That Tattoo Idea Some Time to Cook
Don’t run out the moment you get some inspiration or see a tattoo you like. Instead, sit with the idea for awhile. Do you have a friend who is a good artist? Ask them to help you draw out a couple versions of your tattoo to consider. Also, do a bit of research if you choose a symbol or character. Make sure that it is associated with good things.
“Given their permanence, and the pain that’s involved, and the planning that often goes into getting a tattoo, it’s very difficult to conceptualise tattooing as a fashion accessory.”
Viren Swami, Professor of Psychology
Take Care of Your Investment
When you get your tattoo, you want it to look good for the long-term. Get aftercare instructions in writing, and take a moment to read them. Ask your artist if you have any questions or concerns. It may also help to watch a video or two so you know what the healing process looks like.