Elliot and Amy

Success Stories
27 Feb 2023
10 min read
Elliot and Amy

Once I made the account but I treated it like a joke. I used a real picture of myself but other pics I had included my dog sleeping in weird positions, and a badly photoshopped picture of my face on a baby’s body. I even tried to pretend that I was Mr. Krabs from Spongebob. I got blocked by so many people because I would message them random lines from the show. 

One day I messaged Amy and she immediately met my energy. She changed her profile pic to Spongebob and began to respond to me with random one-liners as well. I couldn’t believe it. My joke was used against me and I loved it. We spent hours trying to one-up each other until I finally had to admit defeat. She was too good and behaved like an absolute champion. I realized that I wasn’t looking to make a joke out of a dating app. I was looking for someone who could match my energy and humor. 

Everyone I messaged before her, I was testing them and I didn’t even realize it. I asked her if she wanted to meet up for coffee and her response was “Are you feeling it Mr. Krabs?”. I knew right at that moment that we had something special and the two of us have been pretty much inseparable ever since. Hily managed to bring us together and all it took were a bunch of one-liners from a Cartoon we loved as kids.


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